
Endeavour Vision aims to be among the world leaders – an interview with AGEFI

The medtech specialisation of VC Geneva Endeavour Vision, among the leading Europeans, is reinforced with the launch of a new fund dedicated end 2018. Interview with Damien Tappy, president and co-founder. La stratégie d’Endeavour Vision, capital-risqueur genevois parmi les leaders européens spécialisés dans les technologies médicales (medtech), se renforce [...]

2023-06-26T09:14:15+01:00August 30th, 2018|All News, Blog, Medtech|

Endeavour Vision invests in surgical bone repairs specialist Medartis

Endeavour Vision invested in Medartis. Located in Basel, Switzerland, the company develops, manufactures and distributes medical internal fixation devices and surgical instruments offered in system solutions for small bone fractures focusing on the extremities. Medartis was founded in 1997 by Dr. Thomas Straumann. The company launched its first products [...]

2023-07-24T16:54:56+01:00December 21st, 2017|All News, Blog, Company News, Investment|
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